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Experimental Music 2024
duo w/ Eric Wong
07.12.2024 / 20:00
Akademie der Bildenden Künste / Akademiestr.2, 80799 Munich

Yan Jun Mini Fest
trio w/ Yan Jun and Makoto Oshiro
01.12.2022 / 18:00
Galiläakirche / Rigaer Str. 9/10, 10247 Berlin

tea / ton duo w/ Eric Wong
03.11.2024 / 18:00
Liebig12 / Liebigstr.12, 10247 Berlin

solo: Breathing Room
26.10.2024 / 21:30
St.Thaddäus / Ulmer Str.63, 86156 Augsburg

duo w/ Grgur Savic
18.10.2024 / 19:00
Petersburg Art Space / Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101, 10553 Berlin

trio w/ Guilherme Rodrigues and Ernesto Rodrigues
04.10.2024 / 20:00
Richten25 / Gerichtstr.25, 13347 Berlin

Improvised & Experimental No. 222
incompatibility #02: w/ Sayori Izawa (video) and Siri Salminen (dance)
02.10.2024 / 19:00
HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY / MS HEIMATLAND, close to Fischerinsel 3, 10179 Berlin

Geistzeit VI by Elektro Kagura
20.-22.09.2024 / 19:00-22:00
Umspannwerk Reinickendorf / Breitenbachstr.32, 13509 Berlin

RE:VISION - 20 Jahre Kunstverein Tiergarten
opening hours: Tue.-Sa. 11-19h
Galerie Nord / Turmstr. 75, 10551 Berlin

duo w/ Eric Wong
12.Aug.2024 / 20:00
Ftarri / Okano Bldg. B1 Floor, 1-4-11 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan, 113-0033

02.Aug.2024 / 19:30
soto / 18, Shishigatani Honeninnishimachi, Sakyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan, 606-8427

in store exhibition: short short summer
01.Aug.- 25. Aug. 2024
PARALLAX RECORDS / Utanokoji bld. 2F, 407-1 Sakurano-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto Japan 604-8035

solo exhibition: Under Construction
25.Jul.- 25. Aug. 2024 / opening hours: Thu. - Sun. 13:00-19:00
360° < Jingumae > / 1F SoftTown Aoyama, 3-1-24 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo Japan 150-0001

NEXUS #6 / solo
13.Jul.2024 / 19:00
Kukumu / Lübecker Str. 43, 10559 Berlin

Labor Sonor Duo: w/ Eric Wong
24.Jun.2024 / 20:30
Kunsthaus KuLe / Auguststr. 10, 10117 Berlin

Split Friction - Under Construction duo exhibition w/ Birgit Ulher
opening / performance + talk: 02.06.2024 / 18:00-
opening hours: Sa/So, 08./09. u. 15./16.06., 15:00-18:00
Strobreden / Bahrenfelder Chaussee 144, 22761 Hamburg

Improvised & Experimental No. 200 Trio: w/ Heather Frasch and Eric Wong
01.05.2024 / 19:00
HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY / MS HEIMATLAND, close to Fischerinsel 3, 10179 Berlin

biegungen duo w/ Mizuki Ishikawa
16.03.2024 / 20:30
ausland / Lychener Str.60, 10437 Berlin

22.02.2024 / 20:00
XXXSTER / Berlin

• group exhibition Media Collage_Forced Rhythm w/ Kyoco Taniyama and Youngho Lee
opening: 26.01. 18:00-
04.02. / 14:30- vinyl workshop by Kyoco Taniyama and 16:00- sound performance by Seiji Morimoto
opening hours: Wed.- Sun.: 14:00-19:00
Liebig12 / Liebigstr.12, 10247 Berlin

Experimental Music 2023
09.Dec.2023 / 20:00
Akademie der Bildenden Künste / Akademiestr.2, 80799 Munich

• Duo w/ Derek Shirley
20.Nov.2023 / 20:00
Petersburg Art Space / Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101, 10553 Berlin

• radio show supersønic #15
14.Nov.2023 / 22:00-23:00
88,4 fm in Berlin or

05.Nov.2023 / 19:00
Taborkirche / Taborstr. 17, 10997 Berlin

Transmisiones Nocturnas
07.-14. Aug.2023 / 00:00 GMT -4
Radio Tsonami

listen listening
12.Aug.2023 / 20:00
SOMA Art Space Berlin / Eylauer Str.9, 10965 Berlin

• Duo w/ Makoto Oshiro
07.June.2023 / 20:00
Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche / Rigaer Str. 9/10, 10247 Berlin

biegungen w/ Eva-Maria Houben, Heather Frasch, Koen Nutters
27.05.2023 / 20:00
ausland / Lychener Str.60, 10437 Berlin

• Duo w/ Grgur Savic
16.05.2023 / 20:00
Kühlspot Social Club / Lehderstr.74-79, 13086 Berlin

UNODUE Solo, Duo w/Derek Shirley
07.05.2023 / 19:45
Kapelle am Urban / Grimmstr.10, 10967 Berlin

Das Ende Solo
07.04.2023 / 21:30
K77 / Kastanienalle 77, 10435 Berlin

Duo w/Eric Wong
07.03.2023 / 20:00
Kühlspot Social Club / Lehderstr.74-79, 13086 Berlin

tea / ton
05.03.2023 / 18:00
Liebig12 / Liebigstr.12, 10247 Berlin

FREAKY FRIDAY Duo w/ Fyodor Stepanov
24.02.2023 / 21:00
Madame Claude / Lübbener Str. 19, 10997 Berlin

DuOdUoDUo Duo w/ Andreas Voccia and Duo w/ Makoto Oshiro
14.Dec.2022 / 19:30
Liebig12 / Liebigstr.12, 10247 Berlin

Experimental Music 2022
03.Dec.2022 / 18:00
Halle 50 DomagkAteliers / Margarete-Schütte-Lihotzky-Str. 30, 80807 München

• solo
01.Nov.2022 / 20:00
Kühlspot Social Club / Lehderstr.74-79, 13086 Berlin

Untergrün hoffest: Duo w/Andreas Voccia
01.Oct.2022 / 14:00
Untergrün / Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin

• Einzelausstellung 500m stretch
16.Sep. - 30.Okt. 2022
opening & performance: 16.Sep.2022 / 17:00 - 20:00
Villa Parco Bolasco / Ospedale, 31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV, Italy

Improvised & Experimental No. 145 Duo: w/ Eric Wong
17.Aug.2022 / 19:00
HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY / MS HEIMATLAND, close to Fischerinsel 3, 10179 Berlin

Experimentik #56
13.08.2022 / 20:00
Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche / Rigaer Str. 9/10, 10247 Berlin

• Duo w/ Seijiro Murayama
29.07.2022 / 20:00
Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche / Rigaer Str. 9/10, 10247 Berlin

ALBEDO release show
17.06.2022 / 18:00
The Ballery / Nollendorfstr. 11-12, 10777 Berlin

A Piece Of Work by crys cole
Composed, performed and recorded by crys cole, 2019-21.
Additional percussion by Oren Ambarchi and electronics by Seiji Morimoto.
Released on LP by Second Editions, Berlin

• new release
digital album / Release: 22. 04. 2022

POSITIONEN IV: Duo w/Andreas Voccia
15.12.2021 / 19:30
Kühlspot Social Club / Lehderstr.74-79, 13086 Berlin

Experimental Music 2021
04.12.2021 / 18:00
Halle 50 DomagkAteliers München

DIENSTbar Radio
01.12.2021 / 22:00-23:00 CET

SUBETE WO WASURERO 'Tout Oublier / Forget Everything'
19.11.2021 / 20:00 / Banlieues Bleues - La Dynamo - / 9, rue Gabrielle Josserand 93500 Pantin
20.11.2021 / 20:30 / LIEU UNIQUE - Quai Ferdinand- / 2 Rue de la Biscuiterie, 44000 Nantes
21.11.2021 / 19:00 / Robin Mercier's house, 34 rue du Couedic 29100 Douarnenez
22.11.2021 / 21:00 / Le Vauban, 17 avenu Georges Clémenceau 29200 Brest

• Solo exhibition Eternal Moment
23.09. - 17.10.2021
Opening: 23.09.2021 / 19:00-
Artist talk & Workshop: w/ Attila Faravelli (Aural Tools) / 25.09.2021 / 17:30-
C.AR.M.E - Centro Arti Multiculturali e Etnosociali / Via delle Battaglie, 61 - 25122 Brescia / Italy
unterstützt von Nomura Foundation

• solo
18.06.2021 / 20:00
Au Topsi Pohl / Pohlstr.64, 10785 Berlin

Labor Sonor / Tag 2
06.06.2021 / 19:00
Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte / Neue Jakobstr.9, 10179 Berlin

T.A.T.V #2
26.02.2021 / 12:00 (GMT +02:00) - 28.02.2021
Livestream von ausland, Berlin

• out now
Seiji Morimoto / Yan Jun: ring + balance / solo with background
Edition Telemark


• out now
mex 2020 / Ana Ott
LP / MC / CD / DL / Release: 01. Jan. 2021

Screening 31.12.2020 / 18:00-20:00
ClOSING SOON / Egiidon 31, 118 53 Athens

Experimentelle Musik 2020
12.12.2020 / 18:00-22:00 (online)
Halle 50 DomagkAteliers München / online event

• out now
30m stretch / Aural Tools
object / 2020

• out now
SORROW exhibiton booklet
A6 / 24 pages / 250 copies limited / 2020

• out now
sub jam m004 v.a. - music will ruin everything
book+3cds; 218x157mm; 181 pages; bilingual in cn and en; 300 copies limited; 2020

blurred edges 2020 - Festival für aktuelle Musik Hamburg

Audiosphere - Sound Experimentation 1980-2020
14.10.2020 - 11.01.2021
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía / Calle de Santa Isabel, 52 28018 Madrid

Solo exhibition SORROW
video-sound installation + photos
18.09.2020 - 17.10.2020 / Do.- Sa. 15:00 - 18:00 + appointment
opening + performance: 18.09.2020 / 18:00 - 21:00
Spektral-Raumohr / Motzstr.91, 10779 Berlin
for the appoint please send an email to:
Gefördert vom Musikfonds e.V. mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien

odd wednesday
05.08.2020 / 18:30-
Acud macht neu / Veteranenstr. 21, 10119 Berlin

22.07.2020 / 12:00 (GMT +02:00) - 24.07.2020
streaming from ausland, Berlin

Experimentik Live streaming on Facebook
17.06.2020 / 21:00- (GMT +02:00)
live streaming from Tik nord, Berlin

• duo w/ Lorena Izquierdo
01.04.2020 / 21:00
Loophole / Boddinstr 60, 12053 Berlin

• Solo exhibition Eternal Moment
Opening: 13.Mar.2020 / 19:30 -
Artist talk: 14.Mar.2020 / 18:00 - w/ Attila Faravelli (Aural Tools)

C.AR.M.E - Centro Arti Multiculturali e Etnosociali / Via delle Battaglie, 61 - 25122 Brescia / Italy

duo w/ Tomoko Hojo
19.Feb.2020 / 20:30
tik nord / Rigaerstr.77, 10247 Berlin

tmrw> #10
15.Feb.2020 / 20:30
KM28 / Karl-Marx-Str.28, 12043 Berlin

^ Top


out now

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out now

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500m Stretch from SEIJI MORIMOTO on Vimeo.

Eternal Moment

Edition Telemark

mex 2020

30m stretch


music will ruin everything
out now
sub jam m004 v.a. - music will ruin everything

Continuing / Inexhaustible Editions

short summer cover

+++ SHORT SUMMER (EM005/CD) +++
emitter micro